PI Merchandise

Showing all 6 results

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In stock


In stock


Currently unavailable. If ordered, the whole order will not be accepted.


Currently unavailable. If ordered, the whole order will not be accepted.

UKPI Large Tablecloth
Durable - can be machine washed and ironed 6-8ft Table - 178x366mm

Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive


Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive

UKPI Large PVC Banners (set of 3)
PVC Large format full colour banners hemmed and with eyelets 1 x steps 1 x traditions both 1000x1500mm each and 1 long banner 3500x750mm

Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive


Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive

UKPI Roller Banners (set of 2)
Roller Banners 600gsm blackout PVC, 850x2000mm x 2 Banners Padded carry Case

Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive


Custom order takes 3 weeks to arrive


In stock


In stock

Showing all 6 results