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NA Basic Text - Hardback
NA's primary book of recovery containing “Our Program” explaining the NA Fellowship and “Our Members Share” that includes personal stories from members worldwide.

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Multiples of Price
24 £12.83

In stock

NA Basic Text - Pocket Size
Lighter and smaller version of NA's primary book of recovery sized to travel.

Only 3 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.


Only 3 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

NA Basic Text - Line-Numbered
This Basic Text version facilitates precise identification of text location for review, discussion, and Stepwork with a format that numbers each full sentence in the left page margin.

Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.


Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.

A Spiritual Principle a Day
A daily meditation book where each page highlights a spiritual principle with a quotation from NA literature. The excerpt is followed by a reading on the principle and a reflection for the day.

In stock

Multiples of Price
24 £12.35

In stock

Just For Today - Daily Meditations
Offers a daily recovery principle, topic, NA literature quote, and closing affirmation

In stock

Multiples of Price
48 £10.45

In stock

Just For Today - Pocket Size
Lighter and smaller version of the NA daily meditation book Just for Today, sized to travel.

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In stock

Miracles Happen - Paperback with Audio CD
A softcover edition includes an audio CD of early Jimmy K recordings.

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Illustrated with members' firsthand experiences on sponsorship, a vital part of the NA program.

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In stock

It Works - How & Why - Hardback
The HOW and WHY our recovery program works are found in this collective wisdom of our members in 24 essays on NA's Steps and Traditions.

Only 27 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

Multiples of Price
36 £10.45

Only 27 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

It Works - How & Why - Paperback
The HOW and WHY our recovery program works are found in this collective wisdom of our members in 24 essays on NA's Steps and Traditions in softcover.

Only 9 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

Multiples of Price
36 £10.45

Only 9 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

It Works - How & Why - Pocket Size
Lighter and smaller version of It Works: How & Why.

Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.


Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.

Living Clean - Hardback
Living Clean is about finding a new way to live; the practice of recovery in our daily lives.

In stock

Multiples of Price
32 £11.40

In stock

Living Clean - Paperback
Living Clean is about finding a new way to live; the practice of recovery in our daily lives – softcover version.

In stock

Multiples of Price
40 £11.40

In stock

Twelve Concepts for NA Service
The Twelve Concepts represent the Fellowship’s collective experience in delivering NA services.

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In stock

An Introduction to NA
This pocket-sized softcover book contains the Basic Text's chapter on the Twelve Steps and ten informational pamphlets designed for newcomers.

Only 25 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.


Only 25 left in stock (can be backordered). If ordering more than in stock your whole order will be delayed.

Guiding Principles - Hardback
A collection of our experience and ideas on how to work through issues together, using the principles embodied in the Traditions.

In stock

Multiples of Price
24 £12.35

In stock

Guiding Principles - Paperback
A collection of our experience and ideas on how to work through issues together, using the principles embodied in the Traditions.

In stock

Multiples of Price
40 £12.35

In stock

Step Working Guide
Essays and questions meant to enhance the individual's understanding of each of the Twelve Steps.

In stock

Multiples of Price
40 £10.45

In stock

The Basic Library
A box set of our five basic recovery books in softcover: Basic Text, Just for Today, It Works, Living Clean, and Guiding Principles.

Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.


Out of stock. Available on backorder. If you order your whole order will be delayed.

The NA Survival Kit
A compilation of the twelve steps. Includes a selection from The Basic Text, It Works: How and Why, and the chapter from The NA Step Working Guides.

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In stock

White Book - Original Stories
One of NA's earliest publications, mid-1950s, which contains basic definitions of the addict and how and why the NA program works. Also included are eight personal recovery experiences.

In stock

Multiples of Price
50 £0.76

In stock

White Book - UK Stories
Anglicized: White Booklet including local personal stories.

In stock

Multiples of Price
10 £0.76

In stock

The Group Booklet
This is the primary guide booklet for starting and maintaining an NA group including sample meeting formats.

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Behind The Walls
A simple booklet designed specifically for incarcerated individuals who may have a drug problem.

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In Times of Illness
Recently revised and expanded to better reflect members' experiences with challenges such as mental health issues and chronic illnesses.

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In stock

Showing all 26 results